The Space
Frontier Foundation annual meeting NewSpace
2011 took place on July 27-30, 2011 at the
NASA Ames in California. Over 400 people participated
in the event.
The conference format consisted of
both individual presentations and panel sessions
in which short presentations were given by each
panelist, followed by a discussion among the panelists
and moderator. The session would conclude with a
Q&A between the panel and audience.
I live-blogged many of the panels
and presentations. The content of these postings
consisted mostly of rough notes and occasional links
to relevant resources. Videos of the conference
presentations are available at Spacevidcast
and Moonandback
Below I provide a list of links to
these postings on the Space
Transport News blog. I also include some miscellaneous
other resources related to the meeting.
- Clark S. Lindsey