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Active Space - Part 3
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More Space Advocacy Resources


This section provides information and links about other space advocacy related topics such as space politics, legislation, space benefits, advocacy discussion groups, space activist conferences, etc.

Space Politics

Space Legislation
Here are various resources concerning space related legislation, either enacted or proposed, on which space activists had major influence.

Related sites

Articles and reports:


Official Space Policy
Principles and guidelines for space policy within the US government.

Space Political Resources

Vision for Space Exploration (VSE) - Space initiative from President Bush presented on January 14, 2004:
Here are a sampling of articles and reference information about the new space policy announced by President George Bush on Jan.14.04

Hubble Space Telescope Rescue
After the Columbia accident, NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe decided to cancel the final mission to repair and upgrade the Hubble Telescope. This set off a firestorm of protest from many space enthusiasts and organizations. Below are links to

These efforts to convince NASA to reconsider its plans were successful. Mike Griffin, O'Keefe's replacement as NASA chief, reversed the decision un October 2006. The successful Shuttle mission to the Hubble took place in June of 2009.

US Legislation & Federal Code

Space Settlement Manifesto
In early March of 2003, in the aftermath of the Columbia disaster, representatives of most of the major space advocacy organizations met to develop a common goal for human spaceflight. They agreed to make space settlement as the primary objective. The justifications included:

  • Space provides a new arena for the expansion of human endeavors.
  • Protection of human culture and civilization from catastrophic events such as asteroid collisions.
  • Use of space resources for earth.

More information at

Activist Documents

Space Licenses
Who licenses what with regard to rocket launches, space probe missions, etc. is a complex issue.

The Outer Space Treaty specifies, for example, that the home country is responsible for any damage, e.g. a booster falling on a house, caused by a launch to space by any organization of that country. So even when, for example, Boeing uses its Sea Launch platform in the Pacific it must get a US license.

If a US spacecraft might take a picture of earth, even incidentally, it must get a license from NOAA.

Technology transfer laws in the US place great burdens on those wanting to launch an American spacecraft on a rocket outside the US.

Here are some resources related to space licensing.


Polls & Public Interest and Support for Space
Here are articles and resources related to surveys of the public about NASA and other space related topics:


Space Prizes
The success of the X PRIZE project in attracting many serious competitors has given encouragment to those who believe that the government can also use prizes to motivate space development.

Other Space Law & Regulation Issues

Space Benefits
Space Benefits at the Space Awareness Alliance
This group provides information about space benefits and also certifies products that are spinoffs from space.

NASA is often criticized for not presenting a clear, carefully supported, and non-PR sounding case for the direct and indirect benefits of space exploration.

NASA also has a poor record of separating its pure research activities from those that could be taken over by commercial enterprises. However, NASA is trying to improve its efforts at commercialization of space as indicated by these sites:

Related sections
Other HobbySpace sections that detail various benefits of space include:

Space Discussions
Discuss, argue, rant and rave about space policy, technology, history, future and current events with other space enthusiasts via newsgroups, online forums and chat rooms.

Space Newsgroups
Space Forums and Chat Rooms

Conferences for Space Activists

Below is a list of some of the large space conferences open to general public participation. Check also

ISDC - International Space Development Conferences
The National Space Society and a local chapter host, sponsor a yearly conference on space development for society members and the general public.

Australian Space Development Conference  
The National Space Society of Australia sponsors this biannual space conference.

National Space Symposium
The US Space Foundation sponsors this annual conference.

Space Frontier Conference
The Space Frontier Foundation sponsors a yearly NewSpace conference that presents the latest progress in rocketry and space development, business and policy.

This organization holds "unconference" events on space in different locations.

SpaceUp is a space unconference, where participants decide the topics, schedule, and structure of the event. Unconferences have been held about technology, science, transit, and even cupcakes, but this is the first one focused on space exploration.
More Meetings

More Lists of Space Activist Groups


The Art of C. Sergent Lindsey
Countdown Creations





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